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MB GPW G503 WWII Military Jeep Master Cylinder Heat Shield WW2 Restoration

This Article describes how to Install the Master Cylinder Heat Sheild on your WWII Jeep. Applies to 1942,42,1943,43,1944,44,1945 Jeeps models

This article applies to both Willys MB and Ford GPW WWII Military Jeeps 

1. The Master Cylinder Heat Shield is one of those pieces that are missing on many jeeps, probably because its a little tricky to install. Here are some easy steps to install it.

2. This picture with permission from Ed Campion shows in detail where each of the the bolts will be connected and the master cylinder positioned. From the top view there will be 3 bolts that are appart of this installation.

(a) 5/16x18 NC 3" Hex Head
(b) 5/16x24 NF 3" Hex Head
(c) 5/16 x 18 NC 3/4" Hex Head this one will be connecting to steering housing.

3. Now that we know where the bolts go, place the heat shield in the location to where it will sit. With the bolt closest to the front (steering housing), sit the heat shield arm on the front bolt

4. Now push the longer bolts through the tie bar and master cylinder. These bolts will lock into the frame.

5. As you see in this last photo, the tie bar is connected to the brake/clutch tube, and the master cylinder is now protected by the heat shield.

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