G503 WWII Ford Willys Jeep Maintenance information
Below is a list of maintenance articles pertaining to the WWII G503 Jeep.
Changing Oil
How to change the oil in your G503 WWII Jeep
Lube Jeep
How to Lube your G503 WWII Jeep
Fuel Gauge
How to adjust/fix your G503 WWII Jeep fuel gauge
Brake Switch Replace
How to Replace your G503 WWII Jeep brake light switch
Tune Up your Jeep
Tune up your G503 WWII jeep
Adjust Valves
How to adjust your G503 WWII Go Devil Engine Valves can be accomplished with one person, but an extra pair of hands/eyes will help.
Head Torque Sequence
G503 WWII 1944 Ford Jeep Engine Cylinder Head Torque Sequence